December 26, 2012

Christmas Carnage

Picture it:

We all know how it goes.  You buy "everything" you need for the Christmas Day dinner. You've prepped all the food. You've got the meat in the oven. The house is smelling nice & all is well.

Until you discover that you forgot that one all-important, must-have item. Or, not that you forgot it, but you thought you had it already and discovered you were wrong.

Well, that was my mommy yesterday. Everything was ready to go...until it was time to boil the macaroni for the mac-n-cheese that I am addicted to & that my belly gets excited for every holiday.  I refused to go without it, so off I went in search of macaroni.

I went to Walgreen's. No dice.  Family Dollar: Fresh out. CVS: Jackpot!!! They had three boxes left. Count them, 1-2-3. I bought two, leaving the 3rd, just in case someone like me ended up making a run for them as well.

On the way back to my mom's I decided to go the back way to avoid the traffic lights & the abundance of retarded drivers on the road.  And just what should I come upon in my journey? Four buzzards going to town on a dead deer!!!!

Let me say this, I have this morbid fascination with wild animals and wild elements of nature that happens in my area because, #1, where we live has been densely populated with housing for over 20 years, yet the deer, beavers, huge turtles and other animals have not managed to migrate to safer ground.  I'm pretty sure that they eventually said "screw it" because everywhere they tried to move has been mowed down & built up over the last few years. I mean, in the last 4yrs alone we've had a new school, shopping center and 2 town home complexes come up within a 7 or 8 mile radius, where there used to be tones of forest and trees...all that clean oxygen, gone, as well as living space for such deer, beavers, etc.  But because of that, I get to see them act like their wild animal selves in my area, which I do enjoy.  Its good for me, not so good for them.  Having said that, I have never before in my life seen a buzzard y'all!!!!! I don't even know what they are actually called. I guess I could google it, but I'm not going to do that right now. 

Back to the story, I see the buzzards feasting on their Christmas beast of deer. I'm in shock & awe (poor deer) of the sight, but I have macaroni & bags of ice in my car that have to get to my mom's house. So I run (drive quickly) to her house (did I mention that this was less than a mile from both of our houses????), throw the ice in the kitchen, plop the macaroni on the stove all while yelling out what I saw, grab my camera & run back out of the door to take some pics.

First of all, those damn buzzards are pretty doggone smart. I pulled up by them on the road & rolled down the window to take a pic and they totally stop eating...ruining my photo op. LOL. But I got some pics anyway.  Buzzards are some fugly, huge creatures! OMG! Their wingspan is, I dare say, almost as long as me! But they are UGLY!!!! 

OK, so this is how it started. I pulled up, they said they were done eating for a while and decided to mill around...

Then one got mad and disappeared from the frame...

Where did it go? It went to tree to watch me (they are predators after all)...

So I kept snapping pictures. They'd stopped eating but were, I guess, playing with each other...I don't know. But that's when I got the first shots of some of their wingspan...

Since they'd stopped eating, which was what wanted to catch on film, I said to myself "Self, maybe if you went across the street to the school, you could get some feasting pics." (You know, this sounds kind of morbid as I type it out, but that's what I said). So across the street I went and with the power of the ZOOM, I got these shots...

Mind you, they still weren't eating like they were when I initially drove by. But I was snapping away. Eventually, the buzzard in the tree must've said "I'm tired of this bitch," so he starting circling ME! Mind you, there wasn't much I could do, I can't outrun a flying bird of I took pics of that too. LOL.

Coming at me....

Circling out...

Eventually I began to feel a lil bit intimidated. I mean, this is a big ass bird! So I walked back to my car. Once I was in the car...he went back to the tree. predators! And he flew around me with claws extended until I got in my car. As soon as my door closed, his feet/claws went flush against his body. I wish I had gotten a pic of that, but it happened so fast...

So I decided to head back to the house, but I made one more trip (via a U-turn in the street) back around to get a couple more pics and was able to get a good one of one of them that I could zoom in on...

Tell me that isn't once uuuuugly bird!

So, besides for the great gifts I got from my family on yesterday, this was my excitement for the day. I think I had a little too much fun with something that's really kind of morbid, but really, other than on TV westerns & cartoon movies, I've never seen a buzzard before.  Certainly not this close up & LIVE!

I hope you enjoyed your Christmas meal as much as they did theirs!



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